domingo, febrero 23, 2025
InicioSección PoliticaLocalThey ask Migrants not to expose themselves in the Sun at the...

They ask Migrants not to expose themselves in the Sun at the Olympic Stadium

* To Avoid Dehydration and Heat Strokes.

Tapachula, Chiapas; December 3, 2021.- Civil Protection authorities in the city asked migrants who are in the facilities of the Olympic Stadium –located in the south of the city-, not to expose themselves to the sun and return to their homes in order to wait for their movings which the National Institute of Migration (INM) are doing.
The undocumented people have established a camp in that place for about three weeks, because they knew that they were offering buses to move them to other states in Mexico, so that they could continue their immigration procedures in other regions of the country.
Julissa Briones Magaña, a Civil Protection officer in Soconusco, told EL ORBE that by moving migrants to the Olympic Stadium, the traffic in downtown has decreased.
«It is very risky in here. We have seen the camp where they live in complicated situations for their own attention, we are inviting them to safeguard, because there are children and pregnant women. People’s lives come first,» she commented.
From the confort zone of his air-conditioned offices, she asked the migrant population to be patient about the movings made by Migration to go to other entities in the country.
«The conditions we have had are difficult. The temperatura have reached up to 40 degrees Celsius, and they should not stay in the Olympic Stadium anymore,» she said.
She also pointed out that for several days the INM came to operate from that public space on the issue of migrants stranded in the city.
Furthemore, they have water pipes, medical care units and other services that, according to her version, they have provided every day, especially when migrant caravans leave.
In the case of women and children, she commented that attention is focused on those who may have a health problem and need to be move to a hospital
In the Olympic stadium of this city, the influx of people has decreased considerably, since it is weekend and the movings for migrants can be resumed until Monday.
This Friday, about 15 buses left Tapachula, between 05:00 and 07:00 am. EL ORBE /



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