miércoles, mayo 1, 2024
InicioSección PoliticaLocalHaitians Protesting Against the INM, Claiming They Abandoned Them

Haitians Protesting Against the INM, Claiming They Abandoned Them

* They remain in the Olympic Stadium.

Tapachula, Chiapas; December 9, 2021.- Haitian migrants who have spent 17 days in a camp in the Tapachula Olympic Stadium, asked the National Migration Institute (INM) not to ditch them and send them buses to be moved to other states.
The Caribbean people placed white blankets on the metal fences located in these sports facilities, in which they ask the immigration authority for buses, and that they already have the area cleared to line up for waiting their turn.
Marth Doce, a Haitian migrant, asked the federal government that something must be done for them, because they feel ditched, and that there are pregnant women and children.
In the other hand, he pointed out that they do not want to go to the city bypass where there are thousands waiting in line for buses in order to leave Chiapas, «because there are those who do not want to risk themselves at the edge of the road, and prefer to wait for be attended by the authorities. ”
As he mentioned, they are not asking for food, water or money, but that the authorities can move them so that they can get their card for humanitarian reasons and will be able to get a job somewhere in Mexico.
He said that it is necessary the intervention by the elements of the National Guard and the INM, so they would take control and migrants will be able to leave that place.
Many of the foreigners have taken refuge inside the Stadium to not being affected by the intense sun and to wait the arrival of the authorities that allow them to enlist.
He concluded that this Friday the federal authorities could come in order to attend the migrants who are waiting the buses, although some are leaving and many more will be arriving. EL ORBE /



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