viernes, septiembre 20, 2024
InicioSección PoliticaLocalMexico Provides 130 Thousand Requests For Refugee Status at the End of...

Mexico Provides 130 Thousand Requests For Refugee Status at the End of 2021

* It is three times more than what happened in 2019
* Applicants are from 106 nationalities

Tapachula, Chiapas; November 24, 2021.- The government of Mexico reported in the last hours that requests for Refugee Status and Complementary Protection to this date are 116,500 people, three times more than in 2019; and that it is expected that by the end of the year there will be a figure of 130 thousand.
When taking stock of what has happened so far on this issue, it was also reported that in Mexico requests from people of 106 different nationalities are being attended; 52 thousand requests are from Haiti.
In conjunction with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (Acnur), the Mexican Commission for Aid to Refugees (Comar) and the Ministry of the Interior, it was stressed the need to strengthen the Comar to face the rise in asylum applications, derived from the arrival of people from Haiti.
Likewise, the urgency of finding alternative migration solutions for people who do not require international protection, “because, despite the fact that they are not refugees, they have other protection needs. If we can solve this, the pressure on the asylum system will be less ”.
With the agreements established to date between the parties, it is estimated that there will be resources to hire personnel and provide better care to asylum seekers in the national territory. EL ORBE /



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